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Honesty Opportunity Period Service-oriented Hardware Tool Industry is the Future Development Direction

Edit:admin   Click:721  Date:2019-07-02

After more than 30 years of development, China's tool hardware industry has occupied a prominent position in the world, and has become a global tool product production and sales power. Industry sales exceed 100 billion yuan and exports exceed 14 billion dollars. From the perspective of industry development, after a period of rapid development, tool hardware industry has formed strong manufacturing and marketing capabilities. In the future, the industry will further expand to high-end, professional and high-quality areas, and upgrade to service-oriented manufacturing.

A strong manufacturing power

According to statistics, during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the cumulative export volume of the tool and hardware industry exceeded 60 billion US dollars, and the cumulative import volume was nearly 30 billion US dollars. The annual average export volume maintained a growth rate of more than 10%. In 2011, the export of tool hardware exceeded 10 billion US dollars and became the largest manufacturer and exporter of tool products in the world.

At present, the output value of tools and hardware is over 100 billion yuan. Wendeng Power Tools Group Co., Ltd. is the largest manufacturer of flexible wrenches in the world. In 2012, Wendeng Power Tools Group Co., Ltd. became the first enterprise in the industry to be awarded the title of National Enterprise Technology Center. Hebei Zhongbo Explosion-proof Tools Group is the largest manufacturer of explosion-proof tools in the world. Exports account for nearly 80% of the international market, the company has landed on the new third board in 2015; Jiangsu Tongrun Co., Ltd. is the largest toolbox manufacturer in Asia; Hangzhou Juxing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is the largest exporter of tool products in Asia; Jiangsu Hongbao Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Juxing Science and Technology Co., Ltd., and Jiang Sutongrun Co., Ltd. is a well-known listed company in the industry, and a number of tool enterprises are actively planning to go public.

At present, China Hardware Products Association has awarded five industrial clusters of tool categories, namely "China Hardware Town" in Daxin Town of Zhangjiagang, "China Tool Hardware Industry Base" in Jinhua City, "China Tool Hardware Industry Base" in Jiande City, "China Tool Hardware Industry Base" in Linan City, and Yiqiao City. Town "Town of Tools and Hardware in China". From the development situation of tool hardware industry cluster, the blocky regional effect is driving obviously, and the number of enterprises and the overall scale of industry in the cluster keep stable growth. The healthy operation of tool hardware industry cluster has laid a solid foundation for the steady development of the industry.

In addition, the tool industry selected 25 well-known enterprises in the industry in 2013, and through the "China International Tool Industry Development Summit Forum", "China Tool Independent Brand Series Promotion Activities" to publish and promote at home and abroad, brand name selection activities for promoting the brand building of China's high-end tool products have milestone significance.

Industrial development is in the period of opportunity

At present, the development of traditional tool manufacturing countries in Europe and the United States is facing a recession. China's tool industry is developing in the direction of specialization, clustering and high-end.

During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, key enterprises in the industry should adopt advanced forging, die processing and repair, CNC machine tool + multi-station combination processing machine tool, controllable atmosphere heat treatment, medium and high frequency induction heating, environmental protection plating and other advanced technologies to transform traditional industries in an all-round way, so as to improve labor productivity, product quality, grade and so on. Additional value, change the way of development, take the road of innovation and development with high standards, high quality and high efficiency.

At the same time, on the basis of strengthening domestic and international exchanges, we should further promote the construction of manufacturing, sales, standards and testing in the industry, and enhance the voice of China's tool industry in the global tool industry chain.

With the enhancement of the comprehensive strength of the country, China's high-end manufacturing industry, such as high-speed rail manufacturing, has been recognized globally, which also opens a door for the international recognition of industrial-grade tools and hardware products. The rise of China's manufacturing industry requires not only the application and export of high-end products, but also the overall upgrading of the manufacturing level of industrial infrastructure. In addition, the "one belt and one road" that the country is vigorously promoting has also made the best channel for tool hardware products to go to emerging markets.

In terms of domestic sales, with the increase of domestic demand in the field of professional manufacturing and the gradual improvement of the sales channel system, the situation that enterprises worried about small domestic sales and slow repayment has also been greatly improved. Enterprises can not only build their own domestic sales system, but also cooperate with trade dealers with strong comprehensive strength to explore the market. The stable domestic market will not only help enterprises to effectively resist overseas market risks, but also bring more business opportunities for the development of enterprises. No foreign market is not big, no domestic market is unstable. The future development of tool hardware industry still needs to maintain internal and external balance.

Upgrading to Service-Oriented Manufacturing

The transformation and upgrading to service-oriented manufacturing will become the direction of future manufacturing development. Tool hardware is an industrial service-oriented product which provides basic support for the development of manufacturing industry, and it is also a typical example of service-oriented manufacturing development in hardware subdivision industry. At present, the key enterprises in the industry are no longer limited to providing after-sales service, but have realized service forward (starting from design and development), joint development and the whole process coverage, and are striving to complete the transformation and upgrading from production-oriented to service-oriented.

Although a series of achievements have been made in serving domestic high-end professional users, and some tool manufacturers have begun to provide products and services for high-speed railway construction, automobile maintenance, shipbuilding and other professional fields, the development of the industry is still facing difficulties and challenges. While insisting on pursuing high standards, high quality, high efficiency and high profits, tool manufacturers should also strengthen channel building and brand awareness, and strive to make domestic high-end tools gain more recognition and influence.

During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the tool and hardware industry should continue to adhere to the transformation from extensive to intensive, from labor-intensive to technology-intensive, from quantity expansion to quality improvement, from low-cost and low-price to high value-added and high profit margin, and from licensed export to gradually increase the export ratio of independent brands. Re-change, establish the development concept of high standard, high quality and high efficiency, adopt advanced technology to transform traditional industries, increase investment in science and technology and R&D, increase the added value of products, and truly realize the transformation from big to strong.

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