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Several Ways of Precision Parts Processing

Edit:admin   Click:14105  Date:2019-07-02

Many things, its way is divided into many kinds, can be just for us to choose, can be for our choice, we can according to their own actual situation, to choose their own suitable, precision parts processing is the same, then precise parts processing methods are divided into several kinds?

Precision parts processing process includes turning, milling, planer, grinding, clamp, stamping, casting and other ways.

Stamping: Stamping uses pre-made die punch for cold stamping, mainly for sheet metal processing, that is, most of the material processed is sheet metal, processing efficiency is relatively high for mass production.

Precision metal processing process is divided into engineering die and continuous die, engineering die is also known as single punching die, some more complex parts need several sets of die, and continuous die in the die cavity will be divided into several parts in a die, so a stroke of punch processing is a finished product. High-speed continuous punch can process three or four hundred products per minute.

Lathe: Precision parts processing lathe belongs to precision processing machinery, there are general lathe, automatic lathe, instrument lathe and computer lathe. The turning tool can process the material in radial or axial direction by gripping it and turning it back.

Now automatic lathes and computer lathes are more and more widely used. Because both of them are fully automatic processing, the precision error caused by manual operation is reduced to a lower point, and the processing speed is fast, which is used in mass production. Now most of the computer lathes are equipped with side rotary cutters and back rotary cutters, that is to say, the lathe can also be milling.

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